Relazioni internazionali Erasmus Incoming students

Erasmus Incoming students

Studying at the Academy of Fine Arts Bologna 
as an exchange student

In our Information sheet 2025- Academy of Fine Arts Bologna (download the pdf) it’s possible to find some information about the Academy: staff, exchanges, applications, studies.
In our Course Catalogue. Studying at the Academy of Fine Arts Bologna (download the pdf) you can find all the courses offered at the Academy of Fine Arts Bologna and some general information about our education system.
For the Academic Calendar and other useful, more detailed information (health, Visa, Italian language classes in Bologna, housing and more) see the dedicated infosheets.


Nominations and applications 2024/2025

First semester and full year mobility: the application deadline is 15.06.2024.
Second Semester mobility: the application deadline is 15.11.2024
We invite the international coordinators to nominate the selected students about two weeks before the application deadline.


How to apply for an Erasmus/International exchange at the Academy of Fine Arts Bologna for 2024/2025

Only the incoming students regularly enrolled in a Partner Institution of this Academy can be accepted: for this reason the exchange coordinator at your home institution has to nominate the selected students by e-mail (erasmus@ababo.it).

Step 1 - Read carefully our

  • Information sheet 2024 Academy of Fine Arts Bologna
  • Course catalogue. Studying at the Fine Arts Academy of Bologna (the first pages are very important!)

Step 2 - Read carefully and fill our Incoming Student Application Form 2024

Step 3 - Send your application by email to erasmus@ababo.it

The incoming student application includes

1. application form (to be filled it with the requested information)
2. ID card (or passport) scanning
3. letter of motivation
4. CV
5. digital portfolio (pdf, or link)

Step 4 - Selection procedure > Acceptance Letter 

The applications will be selected on the basis of the portfolio/application evidence and subject, and also considering the balance between incoming/outgoing students (reciprocity of exchanges). The accepted students will receive by email a Letter of Acceptance from our office within two weeks after the application deadline (around 30.06.2024 or 30.11.2024).

We invite you to consider the minimum level of Italian required: before your arrival in Bologna you have to learn a basic Italian!